Musical Instruments

Browse our latest Musical Instruments adverts. Our classified listings are added by individual sellers within the Glasgow area. If you have any Musical Instruments you would like to sell, and you live in Glasgow, find a buyer today and list your items for free.

Musical Instruments

 Results 1 to 2 of 2
  • Violin New Limited edition hand varnished oblong case and bow. Can visit.

    New violin for sale. Sweet mellow tone. Specially made to specific requirements including: Alll real Ebony fittings (no substitutes) Luthier hand varnished (not a factory lacquer) Antique finish. Four fine tuners Quality Maple back and ribs Hand carved Scroll Quality Spruce...

    For Sale : £95

    Violin New Limited edition hand varnished oblong case and bow. Can visit.
  • Violin

    Brand new Violin, With hard case, and an extra set of strings, bow and wax (resin). Also bundled in is an electronic tuner. Added with a guide book on how to play a violin. Price negotiable, and peice available for inspection. call to inquire. Most convenient place would be the city...

    For Sale : £40

 Results 1 to 2 of 2

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eBay Listings nearest Glasgow
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PAIR of BBC AM6/8 Limiting Amplifiers. Sequential numbers. Serviced for salePAIR of BBC AM6/8 Limiting Amplifiers. Sequential numbers. Serviced for sale
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Calzone Case Co. Hard Aluminium Flight Case 77 x 65 x 50cm  Approx. - B45Calzone Case Co. Hard Aluminium Flight Case 77 x 65 x 50cm Approx. - B45
Orange PPC112 Black Speaker CabinetOrange PPC112 Black Speaker Cabinet
Orange PPC112 Speaker CabinetOrange PPC112 Speaker Cabinet
Line 6 Relay G10 Digital Guitar Wireless SystemLine 6 Relay G10 Digital Guitar Wireless System
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